27 November, 2011 ...on event/place creation page.
If you have problems with the Google Maps on event/place creation pages, it is because Google has changed something in their API, it's not the SuperEvents or J!Places version you use. Even with the previous ones you would have a problem.
Here is a quick fix.
find... [
27 November, 2011 Paypal has changed its Instant Payment procedure, and payments on SuperEvents may fail.
We have updated the payment procedure in the upcoming SuperEvents version which will be released really soon.
If you get PayPal payment errors, please wait for the next release of SuperEvents.
Thank you.... [
23 November, 2011 A minor fix has been applied to allow video-uploading again.... [read more] |
13 November, 2011 v2.3.4.1
- fixed bugs introduced in v2.3.4 on the Community Builder profile page
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13 November, 2011 v2.4.1.1
- fixed bugs introduced in v2.4.1 on the Community Builder profile page
... [
8 November, 2011 v2.3.4
- fixed some notices, warnings, and display functionality.
- fixes for Joomla 1.7
... [
8 November, 2011 v2.4.1
- fixed some notices, warnings, and display functionality.
- fixes for Joomla 1.7
... [
8 November, 2011 Fixed some notices, warnings, and display functionality.... [read more] |
7 November, 2011 We have updated the SuperActivity and the SuperWall JS plugins with a small fix for the latest JomSocial versions.
Please re-download the zip file(s) and update your plugin(s).... [read more] |
7 November, 2011 There has been reported issues with the installation on some servers of the previous BETA release.
We fixed this and released a second BETA.
Please always consider keeping a backup before installing BETA versions of any software.
Thank you.... [
6 November, 2011 v4.4-beta
- added option to set which categories can hold events and which cannot in Categories Management
- added option to allow multiple selection of categories on event-creation/editing in Display Settings
- fixed display of Advanced Search page
... [
6 November, 2011 We had a report that the map plugin was not functioning under a particular PHP setup.
We updated our current release with a fix.
If your map doesn't show any events, please re-download and re-install the plugin.
Thank you.... [
5 November, 2011 The new features have introduced a bug in v4.3
we have released a quick fix:
- fixed category-selection in event-creation page
... [
4 November, 2011 Fix to work with stylized event-titles and new category-filter.... [read more] |
4 November, 2011 v4.3.01
- fixed filters for SEF urls
- fixed filters for special characters
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3 November, 2011 All our extensions which involve file-uploading have been updated with a typo-fix in the upload process.
If you are unable to upload files, please re-download the extension and re-install it.
Thank you.... [
3 November, 2011 v4.3
- now with a new logo
- added option to create/edit events in Joomla back-end
- added option to select users with styling privileges *
- fixed some php notices and warnings in Joomla 1.7
- fixed a bug on some servers not saving events
- added a new default event-logo
- added option to import Jo... [
3 November, 2011 - Fixed quicker displaying of events. Requires SuperEvents v4.3... [read more] |
2 November, 2011 It seems the new automatic background (CRON) mailing sends 1000 emails and then stops.
You have to login to your Joomla backend again, and go to Ultimate Mailing Lists to get it started again.
Of course, the process resumes from where it stopped.
We don't know what is causing this, it could be PHP ... [read more] |
1 November, 2011 v3.8.9.7
- fixed installation in Joomla 1.7.2
- ready for the upcoming AXXIS Video Livestream plugin
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